Le Vendredi 21 octobre 2016
IRCGM: Proud Partner of the City of Laval
publié par Centre de Référence du Grand Montréal
Montréal, October 21, 2016 – The Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montreal (IRCGM) is proud to implement 211 in Laval, which is now totally accessible to the citizens living on this territory. Implementation of the 211 will give Laval citizens the opportunity to rapidly receive information and social and community references that they are looking for, either by telephone with the help of IRCGM’s counsellors, by dialling 2-1-1, or by researching information on the Web site, www.211Laval.
« Laval’s political and administrative authorities displayed social innovation and win the exceptional title of being the First City in the Greater Montréal area to endow a 211 service facilitating access to our community resources », indicated Mrs. Pierrette Gagné, IRCGM’s Executive Director.
“From this point forward, Laval citizens will have a rapid access to all the information and social and community-based services needed, but it will also be the case for community-based and public groups that will be directing these persons to the pertinent resources after having consulted the 211 data base or having been informed by the Centre’s counsellors. Furthermore, the City of Laval will have the necessary and reliable statistics on the deployment of social and community resources on its territory and will have a social portrait of Laval” declared Mrs. Gagné.
211 is a social info reference that exists everywhere in Canada, in many American states and in the Capitale nationale and Chaudières-Appalache region. IRCGM and Centraide are co-partners in this project and have committed themselves at the Je fais Montréal event to have 211 implemented in the Greater Montréal region in the course of 2017.
One must remember that the City of Laval has established a five-year partnership with IRCGM for the pour la mise en œuvre du 211.
This project falls within the Québec ami des aînés (QADA) program of the du ministère de la Famille du Québec that will make the 211 available to seniors of the Metropolitan Community and the Montérégie from now and in the course of the next 3 years. Finally, Centraide of Greater Montréal du Grand Montréal brings its financial support to the Information Referral Centre of Greater Montréal in the implementation of 211 in the Metropolitan Community of Montréal.
Marie Vaillant
Director of Communications
Telephone: (514) 527-1388, extension 215
The Information Centre of Reference of Greater Montreal celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. It offers bilingual information and referral services by phone, on-line and by printed directories to citizens and social field counsellors of the Greater Montreal. It manages the Referral Helpline forSeniors and two support, information and referral helplines, Drugs: Help and Referral and Gambling: Help and Referral.